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About Laserbeam31

I am an electrical engineer in the UK with a lifelong passion for anything with wires, gears, or screens. My interests are broad, ranging from IT, science, electronics, and high-power electrical apparatus to trains, piano, gardening, and woodworking.

I am particularly keen on repairing discarded appliances, including computer equipment, which I regularly find in disposal sites, and providing them with a new lease of life wherever possible. I am a strong believer in the right to repair, and greatly dislike planned obsolescence.

I also have a second website: The Fluorescent Tube Appreciation Society (FluTAS)

Currently Reading:

The Man who Mistook his Wife for a Hat by Oliver Sacks.

Currently Playing:

Friska from Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody No.2 (5:06 in this video by Rousseau on YouTube):

Currently Repairing:

An Extron 88HVA composite video matrix unit:

matrix top matrix rear matrix pcb